
five reads for friday, plus summer with a purpose

Two blog-this-on-this-day-of-the-week combined into one post?! Can it be done? Is it breaking the unspoken laws of blogging 101? Who knows, but I'm not letting it stop me...
First of all, this Five Reads For Friday installment is the Summer with a Purpose edition. What's SWAP? Well, I'm glad you asked! Emily at My Life Belongs to Him decided that she needed to break the pattern that so many of us adopt once school is over: becoming a couch potato. I'm so guilty of spending way too much time in front of a screen, whether it be computer, TV, or anything else, so I really thought hard about it, and told Mama about my decision, and guess what? She decided to join me also! Pretty cool, huh?
Since I missed the first week of this particular blog carnival, I'm combined both weeks, so brace yourselves...

  • I know this is on most everyone's list, but finishing school, namely math, is really high on the priority list. In order to keep up with other homeschoolers in my grade, I need to get cracking on it. Mama isn't pushing really hard, and I do have some days where I don't do a lesson, but there's the days where everything clicks and I do two lessons instead of one. It's touch and go, but I'm getting there.

  • Getting in some sewing practice. I know this is one that is on a lot of other people's list also, but I have some dresses that are currently being held together by pins...and some that just plain need to be made a little more modest. Mama and I are going to make some tote bags out of old t-shirts, so be sure to check back each installment to see how they look. 
  • Finding (and completing) a do-it-yourself devotional. I'm not sure what the deal is, but it seems like all the bible studies end when you have the most free time. Plus, summer is when you can get really out of touch with God, so I'm determined not to be a victim. Anyone have a good, inspiring book and/or devotional that they really liked? Leave your suggestions in the comments, please!
  • Setting goals/ time limits on the computer. I struggle in that area, but this week was different since we were in town a lot. I know there are going to be days where I'm stuck at home, so I really need to keep myself accountable. Ya'll, help me with it, okay?
  • Finding more baby-sitting jobs. Seems like the offers slowed down in summer, when you'd think they'd pick up. Oh well, maybe I'll even look for a part-time job at a local nursery! Who knows what I could land in the job field?
  • Last, but not least since I know I'm forgetting something :), keeping up with my regular and summertime chores. I've done pretty well with them, but there's always room for improvement, right?
Switching gears...
I had a pretty productive couple of days this week, which is pretty exciting. On Friday, I tackled dusting and vacuuming my room, along with putting away my clean clothes that sat in my chair way too long (pic below!)

I also helped Mama get a head start on CBS things. I never knew how hard it was, so it was a little of a rude awakening. Yes, I have the hard time of coloring this sheets for a display. :)
Lastly, I practiced my ironing skills, and did a pretty good job! 

Mama demonstrated how to properly iron white denim, and I've since figured out that I really dislike ironing. Oh well, better get used to it!
Now for the Five Reads For Friday part of the post...
Go HERE to see all the links, and to grab some ideas if you're brain just isn't thinking hard enough. Also, go HERE to see the most recent posts that all the participants have linked to.
I'll be back to my regular FRFF post next week, so check back then! Hope to see your blog on that list of links...

1 comment:

  1. You've got a great "to-do" list! You seem motivated too, which is great :D
    If you don't find a devotional, I would suggest picking one book of the Bible and reading all the way through, at your own pace, and just seeing what you learn from it. Some books I'll read a few chapters a day, then others I'll take a few days for a chapter! I'm continually in awe when I read a passage for the umpteenth time and get something totally new out of it! It's amazing how God opens our eyes, just when we need them opened :)
    Hope you have a blessed week! Glad you're joining us :D

