
miscellany monday

Yes, I’m fully aware that it’s not Monday, or Tuesday for that matter, but some mid-week randomness in better than no randomness at all. Wouldn’t you agree?

{1}Thanksgiving! Only 1 more day, ya’ll! And, since I’ve placed the boycott on X-mas things until Friday, that means only a month or less until then!

{2}Thanksgiving food! You wouldn’t know it by looking at me (all 80 lbs. of me) but I live to eat. This holiday season you better believe I will be eating holiday food until it comes out of my ears. Or, maybe, until I just can’t eat anymore.

{3}Christmas! We have our little family traditions, like making a birthday card/cake for Jesus, along with making a “New Year’s” resolution to Him. We also get PJ’s on Christmas Eve, and usually get some family gifts like a board game or puzzle. I’m not sure what’s different this year, but I’m REALLY looking forward to this year’s celebration.

{4} Christmas food! Is it me, or are there certain things you eat only at certain times of the year? Pumpkin pie and stuffing are Thanksgiving only at our house, but fudge is only for Christmas. Yummy!

{5} Christmas…again! Christmas-y things will be coming to a blog near you, so stay tuned to hear my playlist, look at my pretty blog background, and enjoy some blog snow!

Wow, I just realized this MM is all about the holidays! What can I say? I love ‘em…

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