
Regeneration {2012}

Ya'll. As I said to my friend Hannah, there are not enough surfer words (ya know, righteous, epic, gnarly, rad, etc) to describe how amazing Regeneration this past weekend was. I sang my heart out, cheered until my throat was sore, and worshipped the Lord with all my friends. Nothing compares.

The day started with a last minute plug at the local mall, where we were supposed to just wander around aimlessly because we couldn't hand out our flyers. Or even talk about Regeneration, in fact. The mall security was all over us...at one point, when we were about to leave, we were standing outside with our extra flyers, bracelets, etc and a cop approached us. And stuck around until we went back inside. It was creepy and awkward...but mostly awkward.

After the mall, I went to Margret Katherine's house and we talked the afternoon away. I also ate a donut, which was amazing and gave me the sugar burst I needed.

Then, around 5, the party got started. First thing I did was retrieve camera from Abbey (she kept my baby safe since I left it on the bus) and go take pictures of the gym, which was set up AMAZING, by the way. Way to go to everyone who helped!

MK...I happen to love her. A lot.

I wasn't the only one taking pictures...Emily had her camera & Abbey's was on the way.

FRANDDSSS. Sorry for the obxinous captial letters and weird spelling, but I love my friends so much, ya'll. Seriously, WOL has blessed in so many ways but the friends I've made are definitely the biggest blessing of all. You know, besides God becoming my best friend and all. Priorities.

Kelly & Emily

Andrew (sorry, not in focus) and Emily)


Conner AKA a new blog follower. ::throws confetti::
Dylan & Bethany

MK and I. I promise I don't have one side of blonde hair on my head or that my neck really looks like that OR my face is that pale. Lighting. Ugh.

As if I hadn't had enough sugar, there was Dr. Pepper there. I almost busted a gut.

One of the cool things about Regeneration is that there are door prizes for the non-WOLifers. Thus, all the tickets were collected and drawn throughout the night. Some people won giftcards, actual cash, and the top winners won a scholarship to camp! Jealous.

Mr. Chuck did a great job of welcoming everyone and handing out door prizes.

Scott did an amazing job of a Florida rainstorm...in NC. Props to him for doing in with three groups instead of four.

Onto the music! As much as I love Bru-Bru (Bruno Mars for those that aren't his friends...yes, I live in a fantasy world) I love the WOL songs even more.

More door prizes, presented by Vanna White (Annagrace)
More music! Yay!

Between songs, some of the band members shared their stories. One of my favorite parts of any WOL event.

After an amazing message from the famed Brandon Arnold, 7 people dedicated their lives to Christ. SEVEN. And then there was more music.

Confession: after Regeneration was over I basically cried. Truth. The 7 people that were saved was probably why I was teary-eyed. Or maybe it was the fact I had to say goodbye to my Jamesville WOL friends. Or maybe I was just hungry. I've been known to get emotional when my stomach is growling.

Moral of the story post? My youth group is amazing and we put on even-more-amazing concerts.

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