
homeschooling is...

The dictionary definition of homeschooling (via Wikipedia) is "is the education of children at home, typically by parents but sometimes by tutors, rather than in other formal settings of public or private school." While that's the simplest, and most impersonal, definition you can get, I thought it would be fun to put in what homeschooling means to me. Enjoy!
Homeschooling is...
...being able to start my day off with reading my Bible.
...showering, putting on no makeup (if we're staying at home), changing into yoga pants and a tank top, and letting your hair air dry while watching your math lesson.
...taking breaks to see part of a movie we rented and watch Hulu.com while eating lunch.
...being able take classes at our local community college and earn college credit hours, therefore graduating from college sooner than most high school students.
Homeschooling is a PRIVILEGE, and we better not forget that. That privilege could be taken away at any time, just like college classes for high school students was almost taken away. but that's a different story for a different time. God has blessed homeschoolers in the state of North Carolina, and as we were talking about it over dinner, I realized all of this, then promptly decided I needed to write a post about it. :)
I'm sad and confused about it all. This post stemmed from Dad telling us about the horrible conditions my aunt has to teach in up in the central part of the state. She went to work all happy the first day of school and left that person behind when she came back home. They told her she wouldn't have air conditioning in her classroom, no more advanced classes for the brighter students, including the one my cousin who was going to be in her class and was pretty excited about it, along with several other things that are just...sad.
All this just goes to show you anything and everything you thought you knew can, and most likely will, change when you're not expecting it. At all. But God knows, and He's there to listen to us whenever we need him to be. That's one thing that will never change...
Thanks for putting up with my random outbursts, readers. I promise you better things are coming, and some things that are just plain exciting, so stick around. I'll try not to be a Debbie Downer, unless of course some other issue comes along and gets me all riled up. Kidding, kidding...sort of!


  1. Wonderful post, Sarah-Anne! You are so right about it being a privilege to be homeschooled! I wouldn't have it any other way. :)



  2. Great Blog and good post too - I Homeschool my kids in NC and LOVE it :) (most importantly, so do they!)

  3. Yes, these truly are the joys of homeschooling Sarah-Anne. What other option gives such flexibility where we can read our Bibles and pray in the mornings before we begin school? When I headed off to regular school, it was such a drag and I scarcely had enough time to give God a simple "good morning".
