
new blog week: the home page

Who's ready for a tour around my corner of the blogosphere? I am! 

First off, how about that GORGEOUS header up there? I mentioned HERE that Emily from Flips Flops and Polka Dots {and The Chic Boutique Blog Design} helped me with trying to center my header I made. I decided that it wasn't want I thought it was going to look like, and several Gchats later, I had a brand spanking new header a la Emily! 
I am in love with it, ya'll! Winter seems to be sticking around for awhile, so as long as we have a chance for snow, it'll stay up there. It's also pretty interchangeable, so I think I can swap out the photos and change the colors and I'll be set for spring! What do you think?
Right below the header are my new and improved pages {which I'm adding to daily and planning on featuring in another post this week}. Then there's the followers button. I though I'd try it out on the top, like Maggie's Tips for Better Blogging, I put that sucker up at the top, just in case you decide you like me and want to become a follower... 

Third {and next to last}, I switched up the sidebar widgets to include a welcome message, my new profile, and some of my old ones as well, like the blogoversary ticker and the top commenters. Can't forget those readers who comment and make my day! :)

Lastly, and probably the biggest next to the header, is that I installed Intense Debate! Whoop whoop! I've always hated Blogger's comments and how it would take you away from the original blog post to comment. Dislike. Disqus was a bit too intimidating for me, so I choose the next best thing: ID. Some blogger's even say it's better than Disqus, so we'll see. FYI, Intense Database doesn't show up on any posts in my old ones. I choose to install it like that for fear I'd lose the old comments via Blogger. I've heard the horror stories, ya'll...
So, am I the only one who thinks this is a cool idea? Please, please, please let me know, okay? I'm not a people pleaser, but I would like for people to like my blog and not think, "Oh no. It's that SA girl again showing off her new blog design" when they see a new post from me this week...
Happy almost middle of the week, readers!
P.S. It's 1/11/11. Totally noteworthy, no?

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