
Furlough afternoon

Today we spent the better part of the day with the Furlough gang while Miss Danielle got to attend the CBS Children's Teacher luncheon. Have I ever told you how much I love spending time with these crazy kids? Because they are awesome. :)

After about 50 million rounds of Tetris Link {which, by the way, is my new favorite game} everyone was getting rowdy so we decided to have a mandatory game of Four Square. & by mandatory I mean ya'll need to get outside NOWAH before sometime crazy happens. Yeah, that's what I meant. But not before we watched Megamind {hopefully a review on that awesome movie soon!}

Trey's game face

See what I did there with the pictures? Making them in a four square?! I'm so cool  nerdy.

There was also bike stealing...er, riding. 

And there was lots of football throwing {thankfully, I didn't get hit in the head. this time.}

Cracking the knuckles, yo. Josh is ready to play. 

huddle up. gotta love the way they're so serious about the game
I am extremely proud of this photo. 


Josh, the resident king of drama, subjected himself to being thrown on the ground & dragged across the grass...all with his eyeballs closed. Funny guy for sure.

Nate was all like "You done got tackled son" & Clark was all like "I KNOW". Ha, it was priceless. 

When Miss Danielle got home we loaded up the car with leftover pizza & brownies & swam the afternoon away at their pool! 

The slides? Were awesome, no kidding! They made our little blue slide look lame.

We also brought the infamous tire innertubes & had a blast with those.

Josh's awesome mohawk. 

There MIGHT have been beating of brothers with empty brownie boxes. Maybe.
A new way to drink water, perhaps? ;)

I went down the kiddie slide. It wasn't as awesome as I thought it would be.

 ::sigh:: There are those slides again. Fun times, ya'll.

Flying monkey man! 

There was lots of squirting in the face with super soakers. I might've done it once or twice... ;)

Lots of fighting too, and underwater so the lifeguards wouldn't see apparently.

And now, I'll end with pictures that reflect the true colors of the day...Kidding, although they do this a lot. ::shakes head:: Boys...

Ah, there we go, a nice picture of the gang {minus Nate}:

And there they go, rubbing each others heads, haha!

Thanks to the Furloughs for such a fun afternoon!!

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