
regeneration 2011

At my last bible study {more on that in a post next week}, Ms. Lorraine, my bible study teacher, Kelly, and Linsday invited us to Regeneration 2011.
Emily, Andrew, and Katie, met me at the door, we hugged friends we hadn't seen in FOREVER, and picked some seats off to the side, where I had the time of my life! It was still going way past my cut-off time, which was 9:30PM, but I'm glad I got to go for how long I did. God was definitely working in the lives of the teens there, and it was awesome. God is awesome, period.
And, since I don't go anywhere without my camera, I snapped a couple pictures for you readers. Of course. 

{couldn't resist this one. so many teens AND adults whipped out there smart phones and took pics and videos.}
As a friend from CBS said, "It's so great to hear and see so many youth praising the Lord." Indeed, Miss Melissa! :)
P.S. I'm no Lindsay and can't shoot a band scene for anything, so I apologize for the semi-blurry pictures.

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