
christmas morning 2010

Alright, I think I’m moving at a good pace here, getting in my Christmas posts before New Year’s. Who’s with me?

Normally, Dad and Mom will fill our stockings when we get back from the Stintson’s. When we wake up on Christmas morning, the parents have a fire going, the Martina McBride Christmas CD is playing, and Clark wakes me up before 8AM. If he wasn’t so darn handsome, I’d totally punch his handsome face.

The only thing that stuck this year (since the prep work is Dad’s dept) was Clark breathing in my face at 7:58AM. Thanks, bud. Merry Christmas to you too!

As nice as that sounds, we did still receive an ornament from Mama and Dad that summed up our year. Clark got a football one, obviously…

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And I got a little coat! I love it! Oh, there I am without makeup again. Yay for those pictures… :)

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We all got some of our favorite things in our stockings…

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The highlight of Clark’s gifts was this Lego jet. He spent so. much. time. on it, and it’s really cool!

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These were all the great gifts I received (not pictured: the new blanket I got that is in a photo down below)…

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Mama and Dad’s big gifts were slippers for Dad…

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…And hardwood floors for Mama! Her gift is the best by far, because we’re going to rip out the carpet, paint the living room, and put down the floor.

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This is how we spent the rest of the day: dozing, eating, and watching movies. Dad was still the patient, but he did say he wanted to watch a movie, so we did. :)

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However, we did venture outside (in our PJ's) to build a pumpkin snowman so when the snow came, it would be covered and we’d have an instant snowman. Genius, right?

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That was our Christmas, folks. Really, it was nice, despite the sick person breathing the same air we healthy people breathe. I kid. It really was nice to sit and do nothing all day. We didn’t even do a chore or anything. Bliss!

Happy Birthday, Jesus!

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