
the ABCs of thanksgiving {2}

Finding Joy | The ABC's of Thanks

Remember last year's ABCs of Thanksgiving where I linked up with Hannah's mama, Rachel? I'm doing it again this year {but different than my ::shudder:: scrapblog thing...forgive me? it was a newbie blogger mistake} and you should too!

{Another year from God} Blogging Friends, Birthdays, Books {Cameras, Camp, Clark} Dance Parties and Dad {Email} Fires, Football, Family {God} Heaven and Holidays {Inspiration} Jesus {Kindness} Laughing, Love, and Laptops {Movies and Mama} Naps and Netflix {Outfits} Playdates [the teenager kind], Pumpkin Spice Lattes, Pinterest {Quirkiness and Quiet Times} Religion {Seasons} Texting {Unfailing love [from God]} {Vacays} Word of Life program {X [just the letter. stealing that one from Rachel herself}} Youth Group {Zest [for life]}

Happy Turkey Day {gobble gobble} readers! Hope you and your family had a grand time eating yourself into a turkey coma...I know I did :)


  1. I do so love my camera, Netflix, and texting!! Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Pumpkin Spice Lattes? YESSS! Girl, love your list! :)
