
as promised...

...more pictures from my room. I spend so much time in there doing schoolwork I was getting tired of the way it look. SO. I did something totally different and took my mattresses off my bed, injuring myself in the process. Don't worry, it was only a minor concussion. I kid, I kid.

To give you an idea of how my room is set up, my bed it between the two windows facing east, my little reading corner is to the left and my dresser & mirror are to the right. Right as you come into my room, if you turn immediately to the left you'll see my desk, and if you turn right you'll run into my wanna-be window seat. Sidestep and do a 180 and you'll be in my closet. And there's my room.

I sleep with my photos above me. 

Little reading corner

My hope chest and a body pillow for those times I want to ponder life.
 Little details around the room...

Paint chip calendar. One of my greatest accomplishments. For reals.

I doodle. 
Perfume bottle that resides on my dresser.

Bedside table that's not beside my bed. 

Lampshade made by Mom and a puzzle we framed.

AND GUISE. When I do my Jesus time I plug in my rope lights. It's so hipster without trying to be...


So that's my room. You now know where I sleep.

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