
thank you thank you thank you

Bullet's grave, marked by a makeshift cross and dandelions.
I can not even begin to describe how all 14 of your comments mean to me. The actual number is speaks volumes because it is the most comments I've ever gotten on post and it shows that Bullet was loved by people that have never met him. He had that affect on people.  I read through all the words of encouragement you left for me & the family and tear up, which isn't a shock since I do it without warning So thank you, readers. Thank you for the prayers. Thank you for simply being there, letting me emotionally vomit all over my blog.

So many of you expressed that you had lost a pet...and it does get better, but never goes away. At some point, I'll be able to see his favorite turtle and remember how much fun we had wrestling or I'll be able to come home and not feel sad because he won't be there to greet me. The happy will take over the sad. I know that as fact.

Even with that knowledge, it doesn't take the hurt away. We are at peace with our decision to do what the vet recommended. Something that helped all of us was a comment by the vet tech with Mom & Dad that afternoon...a puppy's first year is supposed to be the time he was thriving and having the time of his little puppy life. He wasn't, and it breaks my heart. We couldn't do anything for him but take his pain away. It was the right thing but it doesn't mean it wasn't extremely sad.

I still need your prayers. I don't know when that will stop. But I promise to not be so morbid anymore. I need some happy in my life now. Prayers and love supply that.

It's Monday readers. I hope yours was better than mine.


  1. so sorry for your loss. an animal becomes such a part of your family. hugs!

  2. You're always in my prayers, Sarah-Anne, and the past few days have been no different. This post really made me tear up, because it is so beautifully written, and it captures so well what you are feeling. Thank you for sharing what's on your heart with us, and I'm praying that each day gets easier and easier.


  3. awwww definitely just shed a tear for you friend. :( xo

  4. I just found your blog and was quite tickled at your name. My best friend's name is Sarah Anne...I shall have to tell her about your blog!
    I will definitely keep you in my prayers. Blessings!

  5. mondays are always ruff... but your monday was awfully ruff. I'm sorry! I hope the rest of the week looks up. Rely on your happy memories! xo

  6. Hang in there! Things will look up. Love your blog.

  7. So sorry to hear about this. Try to remain positive, I know its hard. xo
