
first day of winter

The first day of Winter in Eastern NC was ushered in with temperatures in the upper 70's and a stiff southerly wind. Say wha?! The kicker was it was still 72 after the sun had gone down. ::sigh:: That would be Eastern NC for ya. One year you're preparing for a snow storm the day after Christmas & the next you're searching our drawer for red & green summer clothes like I did today.

Did you hear that? I had SUMMER clothes. Eastern NC is just so crazy when it comes to weather. We skip seasons & where short sleeves 3 days before Christmas.

But hey, at least I looked like a candy cane today.

This smile was forced...I wanted to be wearing a turtleneck NOT a lightweight shirt. 


  1. Wow... what a difference from AZ where we have 8 inches of snow! (Oops. Shouldn't 'a said that!) =)
    You look cute striped like a peppermint! You look cute anyway... lol.


  2. well aren't you adorable! :)
    & i know how you feel. this weather is ridiculous! where's the snow? gah.

  3. I've heard of your blog before, but I've never really read it, you have a new follower now! :)

    I can relate, as I live in Southern California. It was 72 degrees here too. :( My mom loves it, but I wish it would snow one Christmas. I like your shirt though!

  4. ha i could come over to where you live in what i'm wearing! that's pretty hot for winter. the temperature is so nice here...
